How To Create A Listing?

Know the connection between order type, Category & Listing fields with post listing.

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

  1. Log in to your marketplace.

  2. Click the “Add Listing” button in the header menu

  3. Choose the Category.

  4. Choose the Sub-Category

  5. Choose the Order Type.

  6. Provide the listing details.

  7. Click Save.

Your listing will be posted and will be available for the users to book.

How To Close A Listing?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Open the listing from either the search page or from the listing management section

  3. Click the listing, Then the page will navigate to the listing detail page

  4. Here you can see the close listing Option on the Listing detail page

  5. Click the Close Listing button.

  6. A popup will be displayed for confirmation.

  7. Once the user confirms, their listing will be closed and not be visible to any users.

Users can again open the listing and make it visible to other users by editing and opening it in the listing management section.

How To Delete A Listing?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Open the listing from either the search page or from the listing management section

  3. Click the listing, Then the page will navigate to the listing detail page

  4. Here you can see the close listing Option on the Listing detail page

  5. Click the Delete listing button

  6. A popup will be displayed for confirmation.

  7. Once the user confirms, their listing will be deleted and will not be available anywhere in the marketplace.

Note: Deleted listings cannot be reverted.

How To View All The Created Listings?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Go to the search page

  3. You can view all the seller’s listings there

  4. As an admin Another way is There is a section named “Listing” and click it

  5. You can view all your created listings in the listing management section.

How Can A Seller Search For A Specific Listing?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Navigate to the profile menu in the header

  3. Click the My Listings link, you will be redirected to the listings management page

Here can search the listings by using two methods,

Method 1: By providing listing titles in the search, listings will be filtered out and matching results will be displayed.

Method 2: Another method is by filtering the listings using the status drop-down. The status drop-down will have the following values

  1. All - If you choose the status “All” then all the listings irrespective of the status will be displayed in the search results.

  2. Approved - If you choose the status “Approved” then all the listings which have the approved status will be displayed in the search results.

  3. Pending - If you choose the status as “Pending” then all the listings which have the pending status will be displayed in the search results.

  4. Waiting for approval - If you choose the status “Waiting for approval” then all the listings which have the waiting for approval status will be displayed in the search results.

  5. Closed - If you choose the status as “Closed” then all the listings which have the closed status will be displayed in the search results.

  6. Rejected - If you choose the status “Rejected” then all the listings which have the rejected status will be displayed in the search results.

Can I Perform Sorting In The Listing Management Section?

Yes, you can sort the listings using the listing id, title, category, order type, and status fields.

Can I Edit The Listings From The Listings Management?

Yes, As an admin, you can able to view and Edit the listing

Note: There are only two users can edit the listing, One is the admin and the other one is the owner of the listing

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