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Availability Calendars
Learn About The Type Of Calendar Usage And It’s Functions
Learn About The Type Of Calendar Usage And It’s Functions

Start your business with calendar-based bookings.

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

Does QMarket Provide An Availability Calendar?

Yes, QMarket has the availability calendar for "per day", "per night" and "per hour" rentals and services. With this calendar, users can choose which days to book. For the possibility to block dates, the availability management calendar needs to be used.

Whenever certain dates are booked, buyers cannot book the same dates anymore unless the provider decides to reject the initial booking, in which case the dates are freed. Sellers cannot block or unblock dates from their calendars if there's already a booking on those dates.

Can I Set The Availability While Creating The Listing?

No, you can set the availability only after posting the listing. Once you have posted the listing “Set Availability” button will be enabled for the created listing. On clicking the Set Availability button you can perform the availability setup for your marketplace.

How Sellers Can Use Availability Management?

Availability calendars are made available to the listings based on the availability calendars settings in the order types made by the admin. If the order type has either day or night or hour availability enabled then listings created using that order type will gain access to the availability calendars.

How Can Sellers Enable Availability Management In Their Existing Listings?

If the sellers have existing listings and when admin enables availability management, those listings will retain their old settings so that availability management won't be enabled by default.

To enable availability management, they need to edit their listing, ensure they have an order type with availability management turned on, and click save.

How To Use The Day And Night Availability Calendar?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Open the listing

  3. Click the Set availability button on the right side of the listing image

4. You can see the availability calendar with the dates

5. Block the dates or provide a special price for specific dates as you need.

How To Differentiate Between Available And Blocked Dates?

Below are the different categories of the dates

Today, Special Price, Blocked, Booked

Color differentiation for different types of dates will be shown at the top of the calendar and the color shades will be displayed in the calendar based on the top shown differentiation.

How To Navigate To Different Dates And Months In The Calendar?

Today - On clicking the today button, the user will be redirected to the current date

< > - Using this user can move to the next and previous months

Users can set a special price or block the date by clicking on any date from the calendar. On clicking any date a popup will be displayed with 2 tabs “Available“ and “Blocked

How To Block The Dates In The Availability Calendar?

Blocking dates means not letting users book on specific dates. This will be useful specifically when you are planning certain days off for your business or maybe in certain circumstances you don’t want booking to happen on specific dates. To do this you can just block the dates to avoid booking on the specific dates. Follow the below steps to block a date

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Open the listing

  3. Click the Set availability button on the right side of the listing image

4. You can see the availability calendar with the dates

5. Click the date you would like to block. You can see 2 tabs “Available” and “Blocked.

6. Navigate to the Blocked tab

7. Add the reason for blocking in the notes input box

8. Click Save

That’s it, now the chosen dates are blocked. Users are not allowed to book the blocked dates of this listing.

How To Remove The Blocked Dates From The Calendar?

  1. Log in to your marketplace

  2. Open the listing

  3. Click the Set availability button on the right side of the listing image

4. You can see the availability calendar with the dates

5. Click the date you would like to unblock. You can see 2 tabs “Available” and “Blocked.”

6. Navigate to the Available tab

7. If you wish to have a special price on the available date, then enter the price on the “Special Price” Tab

8. Add the notes input box

9. Click Save

That’s it, now the chosen blocked dates are unblocked.

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