Basics about the home page

Know the home page variation and variety

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

Make Marketplace Private

Some projects might require keeping their marketplace private so visitors who are not registered or logged in cannot view the marketplace content. This is useful if you want to preserve privacy or keep your marketplace content "hidden" from the world.

What Is A Private Marketplace?

If you have set your marketplace as private then only the logged-in users can see your marketplace's content such as listings or seller profiles. Users who are not logged in will see the homepage on which you can customize some content to explain the situation.

What Are The Impacts Of Making The Marketplace Private?

If you set your marketplace as private

  • Users who haven’t logged in to your marketplace cannot view the listings or seller profiles.

  • If you have bought the custom landing page then the featured listings will not be visible for the non-logged-in users.

How To Make Your Marketplace Private?

To enable the "Private" feature:

  • Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  • Open the “User Preference” under the User Settings.

  • Make the toggle On for the following setting “Allow only registered users to see listings and user profiles”

What Are The Sections On The Home Page?

If the tenant/admin hasn't bought the custom landing page, then the default landing page or homepage will be displayed. The default homepage will have

  1. Header - This will have the search option, menus, and profile menu options.

  2. Banner - section will have the cover photo image. Above the image Slogan and description provided in the admin panel will be displayed.

  3. Footer - All the menus and social media links provided in the admin panel footer settings will be displayed here.

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