How to assign a fee with order type?

Receive the amount from the seller by assigning the commission fee based on the order type

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

Enabling Shipping Fee For An Order Type

If you have the option “accept payments online” enabled for an order type, you can allow the sellers to add a shipping fee to their listings. If this option is enabled, the sellers can add a shipping fee and use the pickup as an option.

Follow the below steps to enable/disable the shipping fee

  • Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  • Open the “Manage Order Type” under the Listing Settings

  • Click Add/Edit Order Type Button in the list screen

  • On the toggle for “Allow sellers to define a shipping fee” enable the online payments for the order type.

  • Click Save

Shipping: This includes a delivery fee. On choosing the seller has to input the shipping fee.

Online Payment, Price, And Free Listings

For each order type, you can decide to

  • Support online payment- Letting users pay via online payment like PayPal

  • Show the price to the user but do not allow online transactions

  • Free listings- No price displayed and no online payments

Pricing units

For each order type, you can add one or more pricing units. This is to define how the price should be displayed. If the order type has multiple pricing units, then the listing creation lets the seller choose the price unit from the available pricing units.

Examples of pricing units: "per person", "per unit" or "per month".

Per person:

The price is then displayed as "$100 per person", If pricing units are in use, then the buyer can select how much price per person for a rental marketplace.

Per Unit:

The price is then displayed as "$100 per unit", If pricing units are in use, then the buyer can select how much price per unit for a marketplace

Likewise, you can add any type of pricing units as required.

What Pricing Units Can I Have?

You can have multiple pricing units in use for an order type that allows for a price. When a seller creates a listing, they need to choose one of them to be used for the listing. You can have different pricing units for different order types. There are five existing pricing units

  1. Per Unit

  2. Per Hour

  3. Per Day

  4. Per Night

  5. Per Week

  6. Per Month

In addition to these, you can create custom pricing units like per person, per piece, etc. With the custom pricing units, you should be able to create any pricing unit you need.

What Happens To Order Types Where Payments Are Disabled?

When payments are disabled for a specific order type, the following apply for listings of that order type:

  • Users won't be able to pay each other during the transaction.

  • Marketplace administrators will not be able to take a commission from each transaction.

  • Transactions will be basic conversations.

  • The availability management system is not available.

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