Order type & its functions

Design & Customize your business flow with order type

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

What Is Order Type?

Order type is something that represents a business that your marketplace offers. You might have different types of business such as Renting rooms, Renting products, selling products, or just posting an announcement, etc and you would like to add all the businesses to the marketplace then the only thing you have to do is to assign each business to the corresponding order types which make things easier in your marketplace.

What Are The Different Order Type Templates?

We have the following predefined order types but still users can create any custom order types on their own.

  • Selling

  • Renting

  • Offering services

  • Giving things away

  • Requesting

  • Announcements

  • Custom

Users can add any number of order types. Users can just edit the above given predefined order type, modify it as they require, and create it as a new order type.

Create/Edit Order Type

  1. Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  2. Open the “Manage Order Type” under the Listing Settings

3. Click Add Order Type Button in the list screen

4. Choose the Order type template

5. Update the name or any settings if required

6. Click Save

7. You can view them in the overview.

How To Edit The Order Type?

  1. Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  2. Open the “Manage Order Type” under the Listing Settings.

3. Select the order type you want to edit by clicking the edit icon in that row.

4. Change the name or any settings.

5. Click save.

How To Delete The Order Type?

  1. Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  2. Open the “Manage Order Type” under the Listing Settings.

3. Select the order type you want to delete by clicking the delete icon in that row.

4. Confirm the popup to delete the order type.

What Happens To The Existing Listings When You Edit An Order Type?

When you edit an existing order type, all new listings created will use the new settings. But the open listings will not change.

To change an open listing, the admin or the seller must manually edit the listing by opening the listing and clicking the “edit listing” and then clicking “Save”. By doing this, the changes will be applied to the existing listings.

How To Change The Order Type For A Listing?

  • Open the listing

  • Click the edit listing

  • Order type and categories will be shown at the top, click the order type and change it to the desired one.

  • If the order type is not available for the category currently selected, you need to change the category first.

  • Click Save.

Order Type Configuration

  1. Allow vendors to add prices to their Listing - on enabling this vendors can add prices to their listings and user have to pay the added price to book their listing.

Note: You need to enable the “Allow vendors to add prices to their Listing,” in order to enable the other 3 order type configuration. This is because you cannot enable payment, shipping fees, or product inventory without giving a price to your listing.

2. Allow vendors to pay online or with cash - on enabling this vendors can get their payment online or cash payment from the user.

3. Allow vendors to define a shipping fee - on enabling this vendors can add a Shipping fee for their listing.

Note: You cannot enable the shipping fee without enabling the “Allow vendors to pay online or with cash” configuration because you cannot add shipping charges when you don’t have any mode to receive payment.

4. Allow vendors to add inventory - on enabling this vendors can add inventory of products, the user cannot buy the product not more than the inventory count.

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