How To Add & Remove The Admin User?

Make multiple admin for you marketplace to split up the work

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

Can I Have Multiple Admins For My Marketplace?

Yes, you can have multiple admin users for your marketplace. This will be more beneficial if you have a bigger team.

  • Login into the admin panel.

  • Navigate to user management in the header.

  • Enable the “Admin” toggle in the user management list screen.

  • Now the user will become the admin and a link to the admin panel will be available for the user in the front end.


  1. Only the active users can be made as the admin.

  2. Only an administrator can grant admin privileges to someone else.

  3. Setting someone as administrator will be effective immediately,

  4. Users will not be notified, so don't forget to contact them to let them know.

How To Remove An Administrator From A Marketplace?

You can remove admin access to the user by following the below steps

  • Login into the admin panel.

  • Open the user management.

  • Disable the “Admin” toggle in the user management list screen.

  • Now the user will not have admin access.

Note: You can’t remove the initial admin(Admin who creates the marketplace) in a marketplace

How Many People Can Be Administrators In A Marketplace?

You can have as many admin users as you wish but be careful when giving admin access as they will be having every access to the data in your marketplace. Make sure to add trustable persons as the admin.

Can There Be Different Levels Of Admin Privileges?

No, all the admins will be having the same privileges.

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