Customize your footer

Footer management allows you to enable or disable footer and gives you full control over it

Written by QoreUps
Updated over a week ago

Footer management allows you to enable or disable the footer and gives you full control over it.

In the Footer settings you can decide whether to enable/disable the footer in the front end, decide the style to be applied, add static and custom pages, and add social media links and footer copyrights.

Configure the Footer by following the below steps

Enable/Disable The Footer

  1. Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  2. Open the “Footer ” under the “Design” Settings

3. Switch On the “Footer Enabled” toggle if you would like to have the footer for your marketplace. Switch Off the “Footer Enabled” toggle if you do not want any footer for your marketplace.

How To Customize The Footer Theme?

  • Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  • Open the “Footer” under the “Design” Settings

  • Admin can customize the footer theme using the footer style options

There are 5 different styles that we can apply for the footer

  1. Day Style

  2. Night Style

  3. Logo Style

  4. Marketplace Color

  5. Footer Color

Day Style

On choosing this footer will be applied with the day style mode

Night Style

On choosing this footer will be applied with the Night style mode

Logo Style

On choosing this marketplace logo will be displayed in the footer instead of colors.

Marketplace Color

On choosing this, color defined for the Marketplace Main Color in the design settings will be set as the footer color.

Footer Color

On choosing this admin can customize his style for the footer. Followings fields will get enabled on choosing this

Background Color

The inputted color will be displayed as the background for the footer.

Text Color

The inputted color will be displayed for the text contents in the footer section.

Configure Footer Social Links

Add social links to the footer by using the (+) icon. Also, you can sort the order of the social media links to be displayed using the sort icon.

  1. Go to Admin-> Site Setup

  2. Open the “Footer Settings” under the Design Settings.

  3. Add any number of social links using the icon. Provide the social link name, icon, and URL. Added social links will be displayed in the front-end footer.

Footer Copyright

Provide the footer copyright content in the “Footer Copyright” field in the footer settings. This will be displayed at the bottom of the front-end footer.

Note - You cannot update the footer copyright unless you have purchased the “Professional” plan. Or you have the text “QoreUps.”


The footer copyright option is a paid feature you can access this footer copyright option, only after you upgrade your plan to the Professional. Until you move to the professional plan copyright text will be shown as QoreUps.

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